Basic file manipulation
Pwd = show Present Working DirectoryExample: root@localhost:~#pwd
man <command> = shows manual
ls = lists contents of current directory
[davr@localhost ~]$ ls
2 abc dir1 err file2 Music Templates
3 Documents err.txt ls.txt Pictures test
5 Desktop Downloads file1 ifq Public Videos
ls –l = lists contents of current directory with extra details
ls -a = list all files and folders with hidden files
ls <folderName> = list files in folder
ls -lh = Detailed list, Human readable
ls -l *.jpg = list jpeg files only mv file.txt Documents/ = move file to a folder
ls -lh <fileName> = Result for file only
cd <folderName> = change directory
cd / = go to root
cd .. = go up one folder, tip: ../../../
cd ~ =change directory to your home directory
cd / =scratch/user change directory to user on scratch
cd - =change directory to the last directory you were in before changing to wherever you are now.
mkdir = create new folder
touch <fileName> = create or update a file
rm myfile removes file called myfile
rm –f myfile removes myfile without asking you for confirmation. useful if using wildcards to remove files ***
rm <fileName> .. = delete file (s)
rm -i <fileName> ..k = ask for confirmation each file
rm -r <dirname> = removes the direcory
rm –rf mydir this will delete directory mydir along with all its content without asking you for confirmation!
nano opens a text editor. see ribbon at bottom for help. ^x means CTRL-x. this will exit nano
nano new.txt opens nano editing a file called new.txt
cat <fileName> = show content of file (less, more)
head new.txt displays first 10 lines of new.txt
tail new.txt displays last 10 lines of new.txt
tail –f new.txt displays the contents of a file as it grows, starting with the last 10 lines. ctrl-c to quit.
tail new.txt displays last 10 lines of new.txt
tail –f new.txt displays the contents of a file as it grows, starting with the last 10 lines. ctrl-c to quit.
mv <folderName> <folderName2> = move folder in folder
mv filename.txt filename2.txt = rename file. (this will overwrite it!)
mv file.txt Documents/ = move file to a folder
mv <folderName>/ .. = move folder up in hierarchy
mv dir subdir moves the directory called dir to the directory called subdir
mv dir newdirname renames directory dir to newdirname
cp image.jpg newimage.jpg = copy and rename a file
cp image.jpg <folderName>/ = copy to folder
cp image.jpg folder/sameImageNewName.jpg
cp -R stuff otherStuff = copy and rename a folder
cp *.txt stuff/ = copy all of *<file type> to folder
wc= word count
wc=<filename>=nbr of line, nbr of words, byte size -l (lines), -w (words), -c(byte size), -m(number of characters)
du -h: Disk usage of folders, human readable
du -ah: “ “ “ files & folders, Human readable
du -sh: only show disc usage of folders
find = the best file research tool
find = -name "filename"
find = -name "text"=search for files who start with the word text
locate <text> = search the content of all the files
locate <fileName> = search for a file
sudo updatedb = update database of files
grep <someText> <fileName> = search for text in file
-i = Doesn't consider uppercase words
-I = exclude binary files
grep -r <text> <folderName>/ = search for file names with occurrence of the text
With regular expressions:
grep -E ^<text> <fileName> = search start of lines with the word text
grep -E <0-4> <fileName> =shows lines containing numbers 0-4
grep -E <a-zA-Z> <fileName> = retrieve all lines
with alphabetical letters
sort = sort the content of files
sort <fileName> = sort alphabetically
sort -o <file> <outputFile> = write result to a file
sort -r <fileName> = sort in reverse
sort -R <fileName> = sort randomly
sort -n <fileName> = sort numbers
cut = cut a part of a file
-c --> ex: cut -c 2-5 names.txt
(cut the characters 2 to 5 of each line)
-d (delimiter) (-d & -f good for .csv files)
-f (# of field to cut)
tar -zxf archive.tgz = this will extract the contents of the archive called archive.tgz. kind of like unzipping a zipfile. ***
tar -zcf dir.tgz dir = this creates a compressed archive called dir.tgz that contains all the files and directory structure of dir CTRL L = Clear the terminal
CTRL D = Logout
SHIFT Page Up/Down = Go up/down the terminal
CTRL A = Cursor to start of line
CTRL E = Cursor the end of line
CTRL U = Delete left of the cursor
CTRL K = Delete right of the cursor
CTRL W = Delete word on the left
CTRL Y = Paste (after CTRL U,K or W)
TAB = auto completion of file or command
CTRL R = reverse search history
!! = repeat last command
CTRL Z = stops the current command (resume with fg in foreground or bg in background)
Linux commands
ReplyDelete# top - to check the prossess in a system, CPU consuming processes and they list
# ps -ef - to check how many processes are running in a system
# ps -ef |grep - to check certain process
# free - to check memory usage
# free -m - memory usage by MB
# df -h - to check storage info and storage disk usage
# dmidecode - to check hardware
# uname -a - to check what is your system version, kernel version date installed, architect
# uname -r - to check kernel version
# arch - to check the system version
# uptime - to check users and how many and how long have been up and login , and load average
# umask - check te file permissions
# cat /proc/cpuinfo - to show info about CPU
# cat /proc/meminfo - to show info about memory in advanced way
# du -sh - to check file or directory size
# pmap - to check how much memory is using certain process
# lsmod - to check list of modules
# modinfo - to check info about modules
# modprobe - to load the module (driver)
# modprobe -r - to remove the module (driver)
# partprobe - p
# sysctl - to check kernel parameters
#vmstat - to check virtual memory info and statistics
#l vmdiskscan - to check physical and logical volumes and, hard drive sizes in a system
# fdisk -l - to check hard drive sizes and partitions
# cat /proc/partitions - to check hard drive sizes and partitions
# parted -l - to check hard drive sizes and partitions
# free -m - to check memory size and usage
#mkswap - to create swap files
# swapon - to load the swap memory
# swapof - to unload swap memory
# mkinitrd - to create initialized files
# init - to execute runlevels
# runlevel - to check runing levels in the system
# who -r - to check runing levels in the system
# ifconfig - to check ip addresses of the interface
# ip addr show - to check ip addresses of the interface
# nmap - to check open ports in the system
# netstat -r - to check default gateways and network connections
# route - to check default gateways and network connections
# ip rout show - to check default gateways and network connections
# netstat -anp| grep - to check port is open or not
# ethtool - to check network connectivity
# strace -o - to check the system internal processes
# iostat - info about all the system performances
# getenforce - to check default selinux in the system
# setenfors 0 - to make selinux permissive
# setenforce 1 - to make selinux enforcing