Friday, May 2, 2014

Red Hat Package Manager

RPM - RedHat Package Manager

man rpm (for more information)

Installing rpm package
$ rpm -ivh packagename.rpm - to install a package
-i - installs
-v - verbose
-h - shows progress as hash

Updating package
$ rpm -Uvh packagename (never use this command for installing kernel)

Removing package
$ rpm -e packagename

Query the rpm database of rpm (which is in /var/lib/rpm)

To query all the rpm packages
$ rpm -qa

Or grep certain package you want
$ rpm -qa |grep httpd

To look for documentation of the rpm package
$ rpm -qd packagename

To look for configuration file of the rpm package
$ rpm -qc packagename

To look for information about package
$ rpm -qi packagename

RPM will not find dependencies of the package automatically as yum does. Yum can perform exact same commands that rpm uses and can find dependencies of the package automatically.

YUM - Yellow Dog Update is commonly used installer command in RedHat
Yum must be running as root. Here is some common commands 
1) # yum install package

2) # yum remove package

3) # yum update package

4) # yum search package

5) # yum info package

6) # yum list (lists all the packages)

7) # yum whatprovides /path/filename

8) # yum update

You can find more information in depth in website. 

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