Understand and use essential tools
Access a shell prompt
and issue commands with correct syntax.
A: Applications -> system tools ->
Use input-output
redirection (>, >>, |, 2>, etc.).
A: 1 > stdout 2> stnderr > filename
< stdin (both stdoutAndstderr >filename 2>&1
Use grep and regular
expressions to analyze text.
A: grep word filename, grep -v (do not). grep -v
^# filename
Access remote systems
using ssh and VNC.
A: ssh root@iptaddress; yum install
tigervnc-server(server) (client - tigervnc)
Log in and switch users
in multiuser runlevels.
A: su - username (su -)
Archive, compress,
unpack, and uncompress files using tar, star, gzip, and bzip2.
A: tar –czvf newtar.tar.gz originfile (j – bz2),
untar = tar –x(j)zvf newtar.tar.gz, star –c f=newname.star filename, sar –xattr
f=backup.star sat.doc
Create and edit text
A: vim, touch, cat-read, ls –la, less
Create, delete, copy,
and move files and directories.
A: touch, rm (-rf), cp (-rp), mv
Create hard and soft
A: ln –s /fullpath source/ fulpath ; ln
sourcefile filename
List, set, and change
standard ugo/rwx permissions.
A: ls –l, ll, chmod, r = 4, w=2, x=1
Locate, read, and use
system documentation including man, info, and files in /usr/share/doc.
A: rpm –qd service, locate, find, grep less
Note: Red
Hat may use applications during the exam that are not included in Red Hat
Enterprise Linux for the purpose of evaluating candidate's abilities to meet
this objective.
Operate running systems
Boot, reboot, and shut
down a system normally.
A: init 0, init 6, shutdown –r now, shutdown –h now
(+10), reboot
Boot systems into
different runlevels manually.
A: init 1,2,3, telinit 1,2,3
Use single-user mode to
gain access to a system.
A: space bar, grub menu edit, kernel append 1
Identify CPU/memory
intensive processes, adjust process priority with renice, and kill processes.
A: top, ps, pstree, ps –ef, top –p pidnumber,
sar –A, lsof –c; nice –n –p, renice, inside top (r option) to renice, kill
-9(-15) pidnumber, killall name, pkill -9 (-15) or no number; ps –aux | grep –w
Z (zombie process)
Locate and interpret
system log files.
A: less, more, tail (-f), dmesg, sealert –a /var/log/audit/audit.log
Access a virtual
machine's console.
A: Applications->system tools->virt-manager,
virt-view domain
Start and stop virtual
A: virsh shutdown (destroy) domain, virsh start
domain, virsh list –all,
Start, stop, and check
the status of network services.
A: /etc/init.d/network status (stop, start,
Configure local storage
List, create, delete,
and set partition type for primary, extended, and logical partitions.
A: fdisk –l, n, d, p, e: pvs, vgs,lvs,
lvdisplay, pvcreate(vg,lv) lvremove
Create and remove
physical volumes, assign physical volumes to volume groups, and create and
delete logical Volumes.
A: pvcreate, vgcreate, vgremove, pvremove
Create and configure
LUKS-encrypted partitions and logical volumes to prompt for password and mount
a decrypted file system at boot.
A: crypsetup –y –v luksFormat /dev/mapper/balo1
Configure systems to
mount file systems at boot by Universally Unique ID (UUID) or label.
# blkid
Add new partitions and
logical volumes, and swap to a system non-destructively.
A: pvcreate,vgextend, lvresize –r, mkswap –L Labelname,
swapon Labelname
Create and configure file systems
Create, mount, unmount,
and use ext2, ext3, and ext4 file systems.
Mount, unmount, and use
LUKS-encrypted file systems.
Mount and unmount CIFS
and NFS network file systems.
A: mount –t cifs //serverip/shareolder /mnt
Configure systems to
mount ext4, LUKS-encrypted, and network file systems automatically.
Extend existing
unencrypted ext4-formatted logical volumes.
Create and configure
set-GID directories for collaboration.
A: chmod 2070 /home/group
Create and manage Access
Control Lists (ACLs).
A: add acl by defaults in /etc/fstab, setfacl –m
u:user:rwx /file (-x remove, -b remove all the acl)
Diagnose and correct
file permission problems.
A: ls –l, lsattr, chattr +
Deploy, configure, and maintain systems
Configure networking and
hostname resolution statically or dynamically.
A: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
Schedule tasks using
A: crontab –e, crontab –l
Configure systems to
boot into a specific runlevel automatically.
A: /etc/inittab
Install Red Hat
Enterprise Linux automatically using Kickstart.
A: system-config-kickstart; -x ks=, linux
Configure a physical machine
to host virtual guests.
A: yum groupinstall “Virtualization”; yum
groupinstall “Virtualization Platform”; yum groupinstall “Virtualization Client”
Install Red Hat
Enterprise Linux systems as virtual guests.
A: virt-install, or Applications->System
Tools-> Virt-manager->create new
Configure systems to
launch virtual machines at boot.
A: virsh autostart domainname
Configure network
services to start automatically at boot.
A: ifcfg-eth0 -> ONBOOT=yes
Configure a system to
run a default configuration HTTP server.
A: yum groupinstall “Web Server” –y; service
httpd start, chkconfig httpd on, open port80.
Configure a system to
run a default configuration FTP server.
A: yum install vsftpd –y; service vsftpd start,
chkconfig vsftpd on, open port 20 and 21
Configure a system to
use time services.
A: yum install ntp –y, vim /etc/ntp.conf
Install and update
software packages from Red Hat Network, a remote repository, or from the local
file system.
A: vim /etc/yum.repos.d/file.repo, [name],name=,
baseurl=http://server/model/os/$basearch; yum clean all, yum repolist all, yum
install –disablerepo package
Update the kernel
package appropriately to ensure a bootable system.
A: yum install kernel
Modify the system
A: vim /boot/grub/grub.conf
Manage users and groups
Create, delete, and
modify local user accounts.
A: useradd, userdel (-r), usermod, usermod –aG team
Change passwords and
adjust password aging for local user accounts.
A: passwd; chage –E mm/dd/yyyy user; chage –l user
Create, delete, and
modify local groups and group memberships.
A: groupadd, groupmod, groupdel,
Configure a system to
use an existing LDAP directory service for user and group information.
A: GUI mode -> Adminstration
Manage security
Configure firewall
settings using system-config-firewall or iptables.
A: system-config-firewall
Set enforcing and
permissive modes for SELinux.
A: setenforce 1 or 0 or /etc/selinux/config
List and identify
SELinux file and process context.
A: ls –Z or for dir – ls –Zd, ps –eZ |grep
Restore default file
A: restorecon -R
Use boolean settings to
modify system SELinux settings.
A: semanage boolean –l, setsebool –P boolean
Diagnose and address
routine SELinux policy violations
A: yum install policycoreutils-gui
setroubleshoot, sealert –a /var/log/audit/audit.log
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